Accepting students aged 7 and above

interested in trying a CLASS?

just Wear CLEAN SNEAKERS AND comfortable, athletic clothes that allow for a full range of motion. We’ll take care of the rest!


8 Reasons Why Fencing Is Good For Kids:

  1. FENCING IS SAFE - Compared to other sports, fencing has an incredibly low rate of injury. Your child is protected by a ton of padding and gear. The goal of fencing isn’t to hit the other fencer, but to get the sensor on the weapon to recognize a “touch”.

  2. FENCING IS CHALLENGING - Fencing has often been referred to as a physical game of chess. It requires both physically aggressive moves where you are on the offense and mental agility to read the cues from your opponent to perform defensive moves.

  3. NEARLY ANYONE CAN FENCE - Regardless of any athletic experience, fencing is a sport that anyone can start at any time in their life.

  4. FENCING IS A GREAT WORKOUT - Classical epee fencing is a great way for kids to get exercise and stay active. It is a full-body sport that requires endurance, strength, and agility, all of which can help improve a child's physical fitness.

  5. FENCING IMPROVES SELF-ESTEEM - Studies show time and again how the impact of participating in fencing can positively impact children. Through fencing, children learn to set goals and work towards achieving them. The process of setting and working towards goals, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving them, can have a positive impact on a child's self-esteem.

  6. FENCING IMPROVES ACADEMICS - Much like self-esteem, studies have shown the positive impact of athletics on academic performance. Melding together exercise, competition, and mental stimulation creates a lasting change in the ability of kids to work across disciplines.

  7. FENCING APPEALS TO THE GAMER MINDSET - Fencing is one of the five original sports played in the Olympics. There’s something exciting about wielding a sword toward an opponent that appeals to kids who love to play video games.

  8. FENCING BUILDS LIFE-LONG FRIENDSHIPS - The fencing community is both vast and small at the same time. Over the years, many young fencers grow through the sport alongside their fellow athletes. They can then continue to play the sport in college and beyond!



Epee – Freestyle Fencing

The epee (pronounced “EPP‐pay,” meaning sword in French), the descendant of the dueling sword, is similar in length to the foil, but is heavier, weighing approximately 27 ounces, with a larger guard (to protect the hand from a valid hit) and a much stiffer blade. Touches are scored only with the point of the blade, and the entire body, head‐to‐toe, is the valid target area, imitating an actual duel.

A full‐body target naturally makes epee a competition of careful strategy and patience – wild, rash attacks  are  quickly  punished  with  solid  counter‐attacks.

Therefore,  rather  than attacking  outright, epeeists often spend several minutes probing their opponent’s defenses and maneuvering for distance before risking an attack. Others choose to stay on the defensive throughout the entire bout.

1996 was the first Olympics to feature team and individual women’s epee events.



There are four main pieces of protective equipment a student uses when practicing.

  1. Mask

  2. Jacket

  3. Glove

  4. Weapon

The Sioux Falls Sword Academy keeps a small stock of equipment on hand for beginners to use.


“You can begin fencing as A young CHILD and participate for life. Young fencers can strive to compete at the high school or NCAA level or even to represent Team USA at the Cadet (U17) or Junior (U20) World Championships.” 

“We have moms, dads and grandparents who start fencing at any age as well with both national and World Championship opportunities available for fencers ages 50 and older.”  (

Have a kiddo who might be interested? We accept fencing students as young as 8 in our Youth Fencing Class

Students of ALL ages practice with us! You’re never too old, or too young (unless you’re under 7, lol).



ADDITIONAL PRACTICE (Youth students are welcome to attend the full “All Ages” practice when ready) - TUESDAY EVENINGS - 7:10 to 8:10p.m.

Ask about our introduction packages!

  • No experience? No problem. Just come on in, there is always a group of new students at the beginner level to meet and have fun practicing with!

  • Don't worry about the equipment. The Sioux Falls Sword Academy keeps a small stock of school equipment on hand for beginners to use.

  • Did we mention the first class is free?! Our goal is simple - to provide the best instruction, for the absolute lowest cost.

  • No contracts.